Monday 8 February 2016

Week 4 - Update and what I ate

Can't believe it is week four already. 

Week 4 update.

I guess I am still a little bit confused and actually trying to identify who I am, but kind of failing. This state of mind isn't good for my kind of temperament, because I thrive on the balance and clarity. I believe I am a little bit depressed this week due to after illness recovery and my eating confusion. I am sure eventually I will find my way out and will start enjoying myself again. Meantime let I update you with the rest.

My body: I have a feeling it is lucking something. I wonder, if the detox process is still in motion, because my hair and skin are not in the perfect shape. My hair a little bit dry and less shiny, this could be due to winter too, so I am not that worried. My skin gives me a bit of concern, because my Urticaria seems flared again. I am keeping an eye on it and trying to keep the skin stress to the minimum. 

I guess after few months all these should to go, but I will try to find a bit more time to balanced my meals better to give enough nutrients for healthy hair and skin.

My kitchen: got few more yummy Vegan substitutes to make the transition easier. Check my small vegan food haul I posted earlier.

My boys: they are fine. I think due to my low spirits, that is me who feels a little bit unsure. Mind you being a mother, it is hard to give something what you don't eat to your child. It is much easier with my husband, because I know he knows what is the best for him. Another milestone to go over.

What I ate this week.

I wanted to add a disclaimer for my photos. It isn't everything I eat and I don't want you to think so! I post these photos to inspire you, not to use as ultimate meal guide. Sometimes I don't have time to take photos of what I eat and sometimes I don't want to. Most of my snacks and work lunches are missing here. I take photos before I start my meal. I do take seconds if I am still hungry and sometimes I have a cup of tea after my meal. Please beware and use your common sense like with everything else. I don't hide anything, but I don't photograph everything either. Enjoy the photos and stay tuned with yourself. 

Oat porridge with butter (Vegetarian)
Oat porridge with hummus sandwiches and ginger tea (Vegan)
Semolina with black cherry jam (Vegetarian)
Potato pancakes, jam toast and green tea (Vegan)

Crunchy oats with fresh raspberries, kiwi and vanilla Alpro yogurt (Vegan)
Oat porridge with fresh raspberries and agave syrup (Vegan)

I am glad that is wasn't only the oat porridge for breakfast this week. I love it, but being a girl who loves variety on my plate, I am delighted to try few more breakfast ideas. I am still debating dairy in my mind, so there are few vegetarian entries along with vegan options.


Spicy tomato soup with toasts and soya based spread (Vegan)

Home made hummus, rice cakes, fresh salad and green tea (Vegan)

Split lentils soup with freshly baked baguette (Vegan)

Leek and potato soup with freshly baked baguette (Vegan)

Leek and potato soup with a toast (Vegan)

My work lunches are missing here, but still lovely lunch options this week. I do enjoy myself to see these photos. Nice to know what I ate. 

Aubergine pasta with cherry tomatoes (Vegan)
Potatoes, rice and avocado salad (Vegan)
Potato pancakes, home made hummus, fresh salad and green tea (Vegan)
Split lentils soup, rice and fresh salad (Vegan)
Spicy tomato soup with avocado salad and baguette (Vegan)

My vegetarian food this week was milk, butter, garlic baguette and few muffins. I know how to substitute first two and am looking for ideas to replace the last two. I have noticed that my taste palate is changing slowly and taste of soya yogurt, for example isn't that plain and boring any more. Maybe within few weeks I will be able to leave creamy dairy behind me.

Chocolate chip muffin and ginger, lemon tea (Vegetarian)


Lots of plain salted rice cakes this week along with fresh fruits and dark chocolate. Cup of tea with toast was popular too, when I had time at home. 


As usual plenty of water, juice and green tea. My favourite tea this week is ginger and lemon. It is great when you try to recover immune system after a cold. I added as tea spoon of honey or agave syrup to sweeten it up. It is great as a cold drink too, I think will be perfect for summer time.

Ginger and lemon tea (Vegan)
Next step:

It seems I miss sweet treats more than meat, so I need to find some yummy option to keep me motivated to carry on.

How was this week for you?
Green Spoonful

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